Quick telegraphic news from Stiniva:
- a) There are 2 new sectors above the cave, as we already informed you. Some routes have not yet been added to our guide book, but most are there. Routes do not have carabiners at anchors.
- b) In the cave sector, a new route has been added recently. It is an obvious direct start to Free Willy. Still no info on difficulty, the route is very fresh. If you have repeated it, please let us know.
- c) In the cave sector there is a new hard route in development, the authors are unknown. Currently they are using expansion bolts, but hopefully they are only there temporarily to enable placing glued bolts. If expansion bolts remain, we will remove the route (sorry!) because 10m from the sea it will present a risk for climbers.
- d) Vili Guček has decieded to open the right of the two previously closed projecs. He still plans to finish the left one himself, but the right one is now open. COME AND GET IT.
- e) In the cave sector, route Santa Maria has been upgraded to 6b/b+ due to popular demand. Some think it is even harder, but let’s go step by step

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